Calibration Labs and Accreditation
Lixian’s global calibration labs provide cutting-edge calibration services for material testing systems with capabilities that are continually expanding.
Our calibration labs are accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program and are signatories to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation and Mutual Recognition Agreement. This accreditation covers factory and field calibrations performed worldwide.
Calibration vs. Verification
Verification takes the measurement result (the error) from the calibration and checks it against the standard to see if it meets the standard’s requirements. In other words, verification classes the machine based upon the error identified and other criteria from the calibration. The verification determines if the device being calibrated meets the requirements and makes a statement of conformance, Pass or Fail.
Largest Commercial Deadweight Test Stand in North America Lixian's calibration laboratory features the largest commercial deadweight test stand in North America. We have invested in a certified deadweight stack to ensure that our calibration services provide the highest possible accuracy. Due to this commitment to accuracy, lixian's calibration services not only meet internationally recognized standards, but often exceed them. Request a calibration visit
What Is Accreditation?
Laboratory accreditation is an independent, third-party evaluation of a laboratory’s competence to perform calibrations within its Scope of Accreditation. An integral part of the accreditation process is the technical evaluation of the laboratory’s capability, which includes confirmation that the laboratory provides measurement results traceable to recognized National Measuring Institutes (NMI), such as the NPL in the UK, NIST in the USA, and PTB in Germany.
Although there are a number of organizations that approve calibration laboratories, only the bodies that are members of ILAC are recognized as having an international standing.
Calibration Certificates
We believe that providing calibration certificates in a digitally encrypted format gives you all the advantages and flexibility of an electronic file, as well as the confidence in the integrity of such a document. Many calibration organizations may provide electronic/digital calibration certificates, but few provide digitally encrypted calibration certificates.
What is a digitally encrypted calibration certificate?
A digitally encrypted calibration certificate is an electronic file that has an encryption algorithm embedded and hidden. If such a file is altered, a message will appear in the document to warn the viewer.
Liixan Calibration Laboratory only provides digitally encrypted calibration certificates. When a calibration certificate is approved, we apply a digital signature, which looks like a normal signature. If the document is altered, the signature block will display a warning message indicating that changes have occurred since the digital signature.