How to choose Tensile Testing Machines and accessories

How to choose Tensile Testing Machinesand accessories
Tensile testing machine, also known as testing machine, can pull, press, bend, fold, cut, tear, peel and other forms of test for various materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Therefore, it is very popular in the majority of production enterprises. In the face of various tensile testing machines on the market, how to choose cost-effective and comprehensive products according to the needs of the enterprise itself, so as to achieve value for money? The following mini-series will share some lessons based on years of instrument experience:

1. Tensile range of the test

The tensile range of the tensile testing machine not only determines the difference in the sensor used, but also determines the structure of the tensile testing machine.

However, this requirement has little effect on the price. Generally, for companies doing flexible packaging, the required tension range of 200N is enough. Then a single-arm tester is fine. The single-arm type corresponds to a portal structure, which is suitable for large tensile forces, such as more than one ton. Companies that make metal materials use more.

Summary: First, confirm the tensile range of the product you are testing.
Second, the test process

Due to the large deformation of some products during the stretching process, such as latex products, the elongation may exceed 1000%. Therefore, before the specimen breaks, it is necessary to ensure that the gripper of the tensile testing machine has sufficient travel. Take flexible packaging as an example, such as the performance and requirements of the flexible packaging film that needs to be tested, the stroke is 500-600 mm, and if the elongation of the material is greater than 1000%, the stroke of 1000mm or 1200mm can be selected.

Summary: Confirm the elongation of the measured material.

Three. Standard configuration

Basic intelligent configuration: mainframe, microcomputer and printer. Today's microcomputers can generally be printed directly (the printed data is as large as the receipt). In addition, ordinary computers can also be configured. With a computer, you can do more complex data analysis, you can do data editing, partial amplification, report adjustment and various statistical analysis. Generally use the computer, the manufacturer will equip the computer with the corresponding software control system. If you need more detailed data analysis, you can choose a standard computer. If you're just doing a simple force test, you don't have to choose. This depends on the needs of the testing enterprise. In addition, some products are more special, and some auxiliary fixtures will be used, which needs to be negotiated with the manufacturer.

Summary: Confirm test requirements.

Iv. Result output

Test results can be set according to their own requirements. At present, there are 8 overall results of the maximum output of microcomputer operation: maximum force value, elongation, tensile strength, fixed elongation length, fixed elongation force value, yield strength, elastic modulus, maximum test force. As with the products of some export manufacturers, these eight items can generally be exported. Some domestic manufacturers can output 5-6 projects, and some can only output the maximum value, average value, small value three projects. Before ordering can be determined according to their needs.

verb (short for verb) about an item that can be tested

Select the function of the testing machine according to the test item. For example, flexible packaging requires a multi-functional tensile testing machine, that is, on the basis of different fixtures, you can do tensile, compression, bending, bending, tearing, shearing, 90 degrees, 180 degrees peel test. In addition to the above items, some tension machines on the market can also test the friction coefficient due to the high accuracy of the sensor.

Intransitive verbs test for speed and accuracy

The test speed of the equipment on the market is 1~500 mm/min and 0.01~500 mm/min. The former generally adopts ordinary speed control system, which has low cost and rough influence on accuracy. The latter generally uses a servo system, which is expensive and has high precision. For flexible packaging companies, it is enough to choose a servo system with a speed range of 1~500mm/min, so that the accuracy is not affected and the price is within a reasonable range. Accuracy, including force measurement accuracy, deformation accuracy, displacement accuracy and velocity accuracy, can reach the maximum ±0.5. For the average manufacturer, only 1% accuracy is enough.